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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
West Palm Beach, Fl
March 20-21 Volume 3
This set includes some of the best sightings and photos of any dive I have experienced.
Beautiful things that swim, that crawl, and that spend their life attached to a rock.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
aquatic mushrooms 6
bluelip parrotfish termial phase
herring at school
red-tipped fireworm
bluewing searobin
blue-eye hermit
unknown hermit
striated frogfish 8
a company of young gray angels
rosy razorfish male
unknown shrimp (2)
shortnose batfish red variation
smooth trunkfish
seaweed blenny outdoors
swallowtail headshield slug
flat needlefish
blue angelfish
bleeny housed in rock
gray angelfish and redtail parrotfish juveniles
mutton snapper
spotfin butterflies over red encrusting sponge
octopus changing colors
aquatic mushrooms 1
miniscule shrimp unknown species
rough box crab (2)
large-claw snapping shrimp
bluehead wrasse intermediate phase
bigeye mojarra
aquatic mushrooms 5
swallowtail headshield slugs
slippery rick juveniles
round scad
seaweed blenny at home
rosy blenny male
mysid shrimp
miniscule shrimp unknown species
lots of life in a single crevace
bluelip parrotfish surrounded by friends
lancer dragonet male
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