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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
January at Blue Heron Bridge, Florida Volume 1
This is the first of four sets of pictures taken on eight dives in varied water conditions. These collections will include many first-time sightings.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
gray angelfish intermediate phase (2)
gray angelfish intermediate phase
gray angelfish juvenile
gray angelfish approaching
harlequin bass
blue angelfish
blue angelfish juvenile
barred cardinalfish
doctorfish with banded tail
doctorfish juvenile
two-spined sea star
two-spined sea sar
gray triggerfish 3
gray corkscrew anenome
flying gurnard
atlantic deer cowrie 2
gray snapper
black sea bass
bluehead wrasse juvenile yellow variation
atlantic longarm octopus 3
atlantic pygmy octopus 3
common octopus
branching tube sponge
foureye butterflyfish
blue swimming crab
barbfish juvenile
red-tipped fireworm
red-tipped fire worm
atlantic spadefish
doctorfish with banded tail
crimson coral shrimp
dusky damselfish juvenile
dash goby
banded blenny (4)
cocoa damselfish (2)
caribbean reef squid
coral banded rock shrimp
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