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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Looe Key, Florida 8/14/18
Some very nice shots here,
but everything pales in comparison to swimming with an enormous Goliath Grouper.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
goliath grouper dive guide said he's 8'
goliath grouper pair
goliath grouper dive guide said he's ab
goliath grouper - massive
yellow tube sponge
symmetrical brain coral
stoplight parrotfish terminal phase .
symmetrical brain coral (2)
rock hind
three spot damselfish with impressive sp
spanish grunt
smooth star coral
stoplight parrotfish
smooth sea rods
midnight parrotfish (2)
porous sea rods
great barracuda
maze coral
gray angelfish
yellowtail parrotfish
grooved brain coral
great barracuda
foureye butterflyfish
harlequin sea bass
possibly knobbed porgy
mustard hill coral
horse-eye jack
queen angelfish
elliptical star coral
smooth trunkfish
striped parrotfish
gray snapper (2)
gray snapper
barrel sponge
blue angelfish
green finger sponge
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