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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Marathon, Middle Keys, Florida
Three reefs over two days with poor weather,
but this large collection includes some very nice photos.
Sharks, rays, eels, goliath grouper close ups
and very sad pictures of coral destruction.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
atlantic spadefish (3)
azure vase sponges
azure vase sponge
banded butterflyfish
black margate (3)
baby barracuda
barracuda (9)
barrel sponge (14)
barrel sponge (11)
barrel sponge (15)
beaugregory juvenile
bermuda chub
blue chromis
bent sea rods
black sea rods
black sea rods
black tail grouper
blue parrotfish
blue parrotfish (2)
blue parrotfish 6 (2)
blue tang and stiped parrot
blue tang intermediate phase
blue tang (2)
blue tang juvenile phase
bluestripe and smallmouth grunt juveniles
bluestriped grunt intermediate phase
blue chromis and purple reef fish
bluehead wrasse
bluestriped grunt (6)
branching fire coral (2)
bluehead wrasse three life phases
brain coral
butter hamlet
branching fire coral
burrfish in sponge
brown tube sponge
carribean spiny lobster
caribbean reef shark 36
caribbean reef shark 34
ceasar grunt (4)
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