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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Blue Heron Bridge, Florida January 2021
Cold water, more than a little murky, but a good time was had by all.
Click on picture to see the full image and see the creature identification.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
rainbow parrotfish posing
unicorn filefish
florida peppermint shrimp
white rough fileclam
upstart sponge colonies
which did you notice first
stubby sea cucumber
spotted goatfish
scrawled filefish
seaweed blenny
red grouper 1
verigated urchin
spotfin butterflyfish
striped snapping shrimp
sand-canyon goby
sheepshead porgy
scaly-tailed mantis
spotted moray
redtail parrotfish initial phase
red boring sponge
shameface heart crab
scrawled cowfish 7
sand perch
swimming crabs
sand snapping shrimp
queen angelfish juvenile
salmon flamefish 1
spotfin butterflyfish 2
schooling above the reef
princess parrot fish
rough fileclams
rock hind
seaweed blenny
very tiny dusky damsel
verigated fanworm
pretty crowd
rainbow parrotfish
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