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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
Recent Trips
Blue Heron Bridge, Florida Vol. 2
This is the second of three large collections taken
during a series of dives in the Lake Worth Lagoon in July 2017.
The set includes several varieties of walking fish.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Clicking on the"Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
bandtail sea robin 34
flying gurnard 6
blue angelfish
coral clinging crab
eastern murex
crimson coral shrimp
foureye butterflyfish
flamefish (2)
eyed flounder male with colorful eye band
cushion star riding sea biscuit
feather bush hydroid
eagle ray
batfish glaring
brown and yellow garden eels
beaded sea star
barred hamlet
flying gurnard pair
coral banded shrimp
caribbean white shrimp (2)
colon goby
ciliated squilla
caesar grunts transition phase
bluelip parrotfish
caribbean white shrimp
blue eyed hermit in a milk conch shell
blackwing sea robin
bluelip parrotfish
bluewing sea robin
banner goby 5
banner goby
banner goby (2)
bandtail sea robin pair
bandtail sea robin 24
bandtail sea robin 25
bandtail sea robin 19
bandtail sea robin 18
balloonfish (2)
great barracuda
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