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Wonders In The Deep
The Underwater Photography
of James W Knox
The Best of St. Lucia
A gorgeous island with clear water and abundant sea life, this place ranks near the top.
Click on picture to see the full image and see the creature identification.
Clicking on the "Show More" button at bottom of each section will reveal more pictures.
yellowtail damselfish sl
spotted moray
white spotted filefish
impressive barrel sponges
octopus on the move
st lucia one 949
maroon sponge
red-spotted hawkfish sl
magnificent feather duster
smooth trunkfish juvenile
slippery wrasse
rough barrel sponge
rosy blenny
slithering moray sl
large vase sponge
st lucia one 1050
st lucia one 876
yellowbelly hamlet sl
smooth trunkfish
little moray eel among the sponges
red ear herring
netted barrel sponge sl
spotted moray eel
split-crown feather duster
staghorn coral
rough barrel sponge
netted barrel sponge sl
banded butterflyfish st lu
orange encrusting sponge
octopus shifting colors
spotted moray sl
smooth star coral
st lucia one 1092
st lucia two 1126
stoplight parrot tor
sea fan coral detail
social feather dusters
sea pearls s l
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